Stock Market Investing Guide for Beginners

Stock Market Investing Guide for Beginners
Stock Market Investing Guide for Beginners
In this article you will get full information about investing from starting. This is useful information for who want to enter in stock market beginners.

Share Purchase Plans

Most investors today go ecstatic when the company they have been investing in comes out with share purchase plans.

What Are Share Purchase Plans?

For the uninitiated, Share Purchase Plans are nothing but issue of new shares to existing share holders that are capped to a particular amount of money, which is presently about $5000 according to the ASIC.

These shares come at a deep discount and without too much of paperwork and even disclosure requirements that share buying normally mandates.

Although it might seem to be a rosy picture at the outset, it might not always be the best bet for you as an investor? Each time you are presented with a scenario like this one, it is best to do a quick introspective analysis and try to compare the apparent costs and benefits using cost-benefit analysis.

Do Your Homework Before Investing

For starters, is the discounted share price worth it in the first place? The company will stand to gain from the Share Purchase Plan it had floated out, but will you stand to gain too? Has the share been doing well in the market? The share purchase plan has been floated by the company for an obvious reason and that is to raise easy cash, but do you have just as obvious a benefit?

Discounts on share prices and increased ownership in a company doesn’t equate to getting wealthy. Instead of grabbing every Share Purchase Plan that comes your way, a discerning investor must always keep their eyes open for anything that doesn’t fetch you good returns, by scrutinizing the company, its management and the reasons for the share purchase plan being floated out at this juncture.

Stock Market Investing - Protected Equity Strategy

No matter what type of Stock Market Investing you are involved in, equity is inevitable in your investment portfolio. It could be that you are risk averse, or perhaps you are at that age in life where you don’t need to pick up risk, but equity is still important due to one reason alone: It beats inflation and the returns equity fetches over the long term are unbeatable.

Minimise Risk With A Protected Equity Strategy

But then, equity is risky too. How do you ensure that you are able to tap into equity but avoid the downside risk associated with it? Is there is a way to protect your investment portfolio? The resounding answer is yes, but at a cost.

One of the best ways to do this is to follow a Protected Equity strategy, that is to take a Protected Equity loan that is loaned out to you to allow you to make investments into equity related investments.

The best part is that you don’t have to bear any losses by paying up anything over and above the loan principal and the exorbitant rate of Interest (which is the cost we were talking about) in case the value of the equity investments you purchased diminishes due to market fluctuations.

Analyze Before Investing

When investing in a Protected Equity Strategy, the high cost of the interest is a large point of concern, and this is where your scrutiny is vital. It is important that you put things down on paper and perform a thorough analysis to see if the particular investment you are about to get into is profitable. Of course, don’t get struck by “paralysis by analysis” on the other extreme.

Basic Principles Of Investing In The Stock Market

When referring to the stock market, a bullish market is one that is just beginning to see a rise in prices. Usually this indicates optimism and investor confidence.

With so much talk about a depression, in today’s stock market a bullish trend does not necessarily follow results from a Bullish Market trend in previous years.

Investors have seen huge fluctuations in the markets the past several months. In fact, while the Dow Jones can experience the lowest Bearish Market indicators one day, the next it will often rally and start its way back towards being bullish.

Worried traders who act on speculation and psychological factors make the situation more volatile. Even experienced investors often have a hard time predicting market turns in this situation.

Trade Timing is The Key To Investing

People who are just beginning to learn the art of Investing in the Stock Market can benefit by starting out with a few basic principles. Before you go out and buy software or join an online trading community, take a look at some characteristics every successful investor possesses.

Making Money Takes Discipline

It takes discipline not only to know when to buy and sell, but to amass enough money to get started. It can be difficult to initially fund an investment portfolio. Only by cutting out all unnecessary expenditures and faithfully contributing to an investment fund will you ever have enough cash to begin serious trading activity.

After you get started, you must continue to practice discipline. It can be hard to cut your losses and admit when you’ve made a bad decision. It can be equally as difficult to have faith that your decision is a good one and move forward, this is why you need to have a profitable stock market strategy that you stick to like glue, and never waiver from.

There are plenty of investment strategies around, such as: Renting Stocks, investing in share purchase plans, active options trading on the US market…the list goes on, but the main thing is to try and find a solid strategy that you enjoy participating in.

Riding Out the Market

It does no good to trade at will when the stock market is experiencing immense fluctuations, particularly if you are a novice at Stock Market Investing and have no experience recognising opportunities.

Most beginners who learn how to invest by making practice trades will soon realise that a large dose of patience can make the difference between losing it all and steadily increasing their portfolio. It is difficult to be patient, particularly when you are eager to begin making money, but this characteristic is essential if you plan on being a successful stock market trader.

Investing In The Stock Market Actively

The difference between an active and a passive investor is how much time and effort each devotes to the business of learning how to become a successful stock market investor. You will gain much from watching market trends, honing your ability to spot upward moving stocks, and reading through global financial news. Learn how to make your own investing decisions and you will soon make money.

Everyone must go through the process to learn how to invest before they can gain experience and enhance their earnings. Start with the basics and build on your skills in order to making Stock Market Investing profitable.

The Andrew Dimitri Investment Strategy

If you have done any type of research on the current stock market situation and the proper way of investing for a profit, you have surely heard of Andrew Dimitri. Best known for his highly popular investment strategy, he first became recognised for his unique ability to make a profit during either a bullish or bearish trend in the market.

Andrew Dimitri was quickly able to put his regular job behind him and begin investing in the stock market full time after he completed an investing course that was run by one of Australia’s top investment specialists.

Along with two other investment professionals, he now runs an investment company by the name of Planet Wealth. This company is now one of the leading advisories that offer help to many people who are looking for professional tips and information about Stock Market Investing.

Andrew Dimitri found success in the stock market and rocketed from a normal, everyday worker to a highly regarded, innovative speculator. Through his company, Planet Wealth, he now aims to help people from all walks of life to achieve financial success with stock market trading.

Learning the Andrew Dimitri Investing StrategyThere is more to learning the Dimitri Strategy than can be related in such a short article as this. However, it is important to understand that this investment approach involves several key components.
Some refer to the Andrew Dimitri approach as the Bull Put Credit Spread. Many times, you will also hear the terms, renting stocks and selling insurance, in reference to the type of trading skills required to emulate Dimitri’s success. And yet another term called ‘collars’ denotes an alternate way to make a profit in conjunction with the basic principles of the Dimitri Strategy.

Can the Dimitri Strategy Be Self Taught?

The simple answer to this question is probably not. It will require a lot of study to memorise the concepts. It can prove to be difficult to understand the strategy itself and use it to its full potential.

Before attempting to use Andrew Dimitri’s highly popular and successful trading practices for real market trades, consider taking a course to help you with practice exercises and to gain a deeper understanding of the investing principles. Then get ready to start making a profit in any market, bull or bear.

Alternatively, you could take a look at Andrew’s website, Planet Wealth, as you will find information about many stock market strategies that you can gain access to.

For those of you who are new to Investing In The Stock Market, planet wealth also gives you the opportunity to gain access to the actual trades that Andrew places himself, and copy those trades to your own account.

Investing - Bearish Economy And A Bullish Market
It only makes sense that when the bear market has reached its ultimate low, that a Bullish Market will occur next. Being in the proper position to buy before pricing spikes is key. Savvy investors will be prepared.

Accurate anticipation of the market turning from its lowest point to the upswing is a trait that comes only from experience. Watch the professionals investors in order to figure out just when they think the stock market has hit bottom. Buying into the best stocks before prices spike is the only way to make a good profit.

The Stock Market Precedes the Economy

While it may be difficult to understand, the truth of the matter is that stock market movement precedes a change in the economy.

Savvy traders base their investing strategies largely on what is happening in the financial world. They pay attention to such current news as the fiscal stimulus package going forward in the United States, and the market reactionary trends in inflation and interest rates.

These trends and how they affect market pricing directly affects the global economy. High inflation and low growth will increase demand.

For any investor, buying at a point before the Bullish Market occurs is the best way to make a profit. However, accurate predictions of this sort are very difficult to make.